Eggs, Eggs, Eggs

It is recommended that people eat at least one whole egg a week.  Eggs may be used in bread and other dishes throughout the week. Eggs are very nutritious.  They are high in protein, vitamins A, B, C, and minerals like iron and phosphorous. These nutrients are needed to rebuild cells and give us energy and good mental health.

Callaway cooks use eggs in the recipes of the Callaway Cookbook such as bread, p. 27, casseroles p. 9 and salads, p. 8. Proper cooking and cooling of eggs cooked in the shell prevent the green ring between the shell and the yolk.  The ring is caused by hydrogen in the white combining with the sulfur in the yolk.  Cooking in an instant pot on “egg setting” prevents the green ring.  Cool eggs in the shell quickly.  Let eggs come to room temperature before cooking.  Dishes with eggs should be refrigerated after  2 hours.

One of the favorite Callaway recipes is pickled eggs.     

Pickled EggsUse a wide mouth jar. Set jar in warm water to prevent the jar from breaking when hot brine added.  Pack eggs that have been cooked in the shell, cooled and peeled.  Pour brine over top and seal for 24 hours.   

Brine 1 1/4 c. white vinegar3/4 c. water1. teaspoon picking spice1 t. garlic powder or minced garlic1 t. onion powder or finely chopped onion Bring brine to a boil.  Pour over eggs. Happy cooking and eating of delicious eggs!

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